Queen Saturday brings us a finalist for the Miss Inspiration UK system, ran by Lydia Pugh, in which the system promotes inspiring others and being a role model del with the crown. The finals will be held this April, and for someone who has competed in the system three times now, and only missed watching one year because I was due to give birth, I can not wait to see what the finalists get up to! One finalist is Adrianne, who is back for her second time! We spoke about her pageant journey, so take a read!
Welcome Adrianne, can you just tell us about your title and your journey so far to the finals?
Thank you, my regional title is Ms Derbyshire Inspiration 2019/20. So far leading up to the finals, I have taken part in a few 5k races, some of which I have fundraised for Cancer Research UK and The Derby Hospital Trust. I have taken part in fellow queens and contests online campaigns, created a few awareness campaigns in areas that I am passionate about such as mental health. I have organised a couple of charity fashion shows to fundraise for our chosen charity Cardiac Risk In The Young and Our local Nursery Outdoor Area. I have volunteered with my local homeless charities YMCA and Burton Hope in order to help provide a safe and secure place for the homeless community to any help they may need. Over the next few months leading up to the finals I am going to continue to support the homeless charities by continuing to volunteer and Cancer Research UK by taken part in the Swimathon. I would also somehow like to promote natural beauty as it’s important to be happy within ourselves and not get consumed in social media and how our lives can be shown through filters and editing.
Sounds like a very busy few months! Will you keep that going if you were lucky enough to win?
If I ever won,I would like to continue the community work I am doing at the moment and branch out more into other areas of interest such as Animal charities as we have just had a puppy so that’s why I’d like to give my time. Bliss charity is a charity that raises funds for Neonatal Units so that families and premature babies can get the help they need. Me and my brothers were all Neonatal Babies so this has inspired me to want to help in some way. I would try and branch out to help other individuals in their community work they are doing and show my support in some way.
You’ve talked about lots of different charities you have supported, is there a personal charity that you chose as your platform?
The charities I support are Cancer Research UK as I, like so many have had family, friends and colleagues that have all been affected by cancer. There is now an 1 in 2 chance of any of us being affected in our lifetime so it’s important not just to help the charity but to raise awareness on how we can reduce our risk of Cancer and understand any sign to look out for and listen to any changes in our bodies. I volunteered for my local Cancer Research UK shop for 12 years, my ten year service badge sits on my sash with pride. I now just get involved in the fundraising side for Cancer Research UK as I wanted to have time to myself more and time to get involved in other things.
It’s so true that everyone will know someone who has had cancer in their Lifetime, or end up having a type of cancer! How did you get into pageantry?
I got into pageants as I wanted to try something different as I felt my life was beginning to become same old same old so I wanted something new to focus on. I already took up volunteering and fundraising in my community before pageants so I just feel as though I am taking it up a step and raising more awareness for these charities. I wanted to gain more self confidence as I am not a naturally confident person,I am quite reserved so to be on stage and have to introduce yourself in front of an audience was a small achievement for me. I wanted to meet new like minded individuals which I have done so and a lot of them I am still in contact with and are good friends. I love how pageants accept beauty in everyone and look at the person as an individual it’s a great way to be more creative and dress up.

If anyone is looking to compete in pageants, I’d say just go for it! You have nothing to lose, it doesn’t matter if you don’t win just look at how you could improve and come back stronger! Ask for feedback and tips on how you can improve. If you enter and pageants are not for you then that’s ok as you have tried it. I would find a system that suits you and look into it and find out what you need to have before the weekend and prepare. Always ask questions and no question is a daft question chances are others are thinking it too. Overall make sure you enjoy every moment as the weekend will fly by, you will have had an experience of a lifetime and lots memories and friendships made.
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