Winning the award of best upcoming pageant by two separate award systems, being nominated for a host of awards for the 2020 Natural Beauty International awards as well as winning Best Director, YEMI who is run by Jeyanne and Honora Wiltshire, is a pageant with the motto “Aspire to Inspire”, with no chosen charity to allow contestants to flourish and develop their platform. We spoke to the newly crowned queens about their journey with their blue sash, Texas and if they think they will join the 12 other European queens who have bagged an International crown since 2017!
Welcome Miley! First of all, how did you prepare for the finals?
Whilst I was a finalist, I got to choose my own charity to work towards,which was Awyr Las North Wales NHS charity. They work beyond helping people in my local hospital when at their final stage of life. I organised a queens competition and a spiritualist evening to raise money for them. Also I promoted my own platform, with me having suffering with my hearing I decided to raise awareness on how lonely and frustrating it can be. I did a online campaign and so far I’ve had over 50 people join, it’s even hit America! As well as all of this I have travelled so many miles with my mum to different pageant finals and events to support my sister queens form different systems.

Being crowned a yemi queen was the best feeling ever! I finally have my own sister queens and a beautiful crown to show off to the world! I cried on stage, i was so shocked, the girls in my category were amazing. Now I plan on showing my crown off and telling the world about YEMI because it was the best weekend ever!
Having worked with you in interview, it was lovely to see you have your crowning moment! What plans do you have for the rest of your year?
At the moment we’re planning our trip to Texas and will be carrying on with my fundraising for awyr las. I have got a bag pack in morrisons planned and I would like to do a charity queens pamper party. Also make my hearing loss platform even bigger. I have a meeting with a organisation called sight, sound and sign, they want me to be part of their media and be an ambassador for the local schools to promote hearing loss.
Do you have any words of encouragement for other pageant queens?
For anyone planning to give pageant a go, I’d say just go for it! You will find the system that best suits you, I’ve tried a few and YEMI is definitely the best suited for me!
Welcome Erin! Now we know you have a fellow pageant queen sister so you couldn’t escape YEMI! How did you prepare with your blue sash for the finals?
On my lead up to the finals I have worked hard on my platform #fearlessfemale and getting as many people involved as I could, through my campaign, anti bullying class, Self Defence class and anti bullying pledge. I have also completed many hours on fundraising and working within my community. For the competition itself, I learnt about the system, what it stands for and got myself prepared for the role, of inspiring others. The fun part was choosing my wardrobe, a lot of bling!
Yes, lots of bling for pageant queens! You finally had your crowning moment, how did it feel?

Now you get to wear that crown of your dreams, how will you be using it for the rest of the year?
I plan to let everyone know about YEMI, it’s such a great system, fun and professional, I am going to carry on with my fundraising and platform and use my crown to hopefully get more involved. I’ve already started planning for internationals, I know what I want for national wear and can’t wait to put it together! It’s going to be an amazing experience and not only do I get to spend it with my sister Queens but my sister too,who can give me some great advice on what to expect.
You talked in the start about your campaigns, tell us a little more about your platform?

Very busy pageant queen! Lastly, can you give us a bit of advice for newbies looking to enter?
My advice for new contestants is to prepare, look at previous queens and their achievements and what you would like to achieve. Show what not only yemi can bring to you but what you can bring to yemi. Be active, but most importantly enjoy the journey and learn from it.
Teen- Brooke
I bet it feels amazing to be wearing this crown after your second attempt! Can you tell us how you prepared this time round?
I entered YEMI as soon as the finals were over last year, as I really wanted this! I did so many appearances, my favourite appearances in the lead up to the final was donating 328 items to Islas journey and donating 215 items to Basildon’s university hospital! I’ve attended different events and traveled 1000’s of miles. In the lead up to the final I was so busy! I watched loads of different videos for tips on making my walk better, worked on any advice/ feedback people had given me and kept practicing different walks till I found one that suited my personality! For interview,I practised frequently asked questions, look at lots of tips to keep your nerves under control and answer to the best of my ability! This preparation really helped me as I felt a lot more confident knowing I’ve worked my hardest!
Yes, preparation is key! Which is why we do lots of advice videos here! So you gave it your all and finally got to hear your name be called as the winner, tell us about your winning weekend?
Being crowned a YEMI queen was a surreal moment! I couldn’t believe I was a queen for such an amazing system! I was speechless and that doesn’t happen often! After competing last year, I knew yemi was the system for me so of course I was going to come back until I got that crown! It made me feel so good knowing that coming back to yemi was the right thing to do! The weekend was amazing! The pj party was incredible and I haven’t laughed so much in ages! Me and my team got on like a house on fire and it was so lovely! The day of the final was so much fun too, from getting glammed to having conversations with people who I’d never met before!
Amazing all round! Coming from a former YEMI Queen, it’s great you didn’t give up on your dreams and came back! Tell us what you have planned for your winning year?
For my year as a queen I have lots planned! Continue raising money for my charity by holding events to doing activities in my community and promoting my platform through voluntary work and different campaigns. I will be advertising the YEMI system by going to different events and getting the YEMI name out there and I’ll also continue to practice for internationals! I would also love to live up to them YEMI motto- aspire to inspire! I hope to make a few trips to my local hospital to give the children gifts; advent calendars, Easter eggs, for all the holidays!
Aspire to Inspire is such a great motto, and for those reading, YEMI allows you to develop and fundraise for your own causes. Could you tell us a bit more about the charity you support?
The charity I raise money for is Teenage cancer trust, this charity is so close to my heart due to one of my friends getting diagnosed at such a young age! Cancer is a awful disease at any age but being a teenage myself I wanted to focus on this age particularly. I raised just over £500 and the charity told me that this amazing donation would help maintain 28 wards!
That’s amazing! Fingers crossed you can raise more throughout the year! Finally, could you tell the readers your advice tips?
My advice to new contestants would be to always believe in yourself! Never let anyone make you doubt yourself, you are amazing and you are capable of achieving your dream! Always practice your walk! Enjoy your time as a finalist! Do things that you’re not use to, come out of your comfort zone! Never give up! Your time for the crown will come.
Welcome back Mya! We first interviewed you as a Teen finalist, and now you are back as a Miss and a queen! Tell us how you prepared this time round?
In the lead up to the finals,I spent every moment I had spare practicing my walks, flooding social media, perfecting interview answers and making my fashionwear. As well as all of that I spent my weekends travelling up and down the country attending as many pageants as possible to network with other pageant girls, attending all sorts of pageant finals as well as help out!
You watched so many finals and then it was your turn to be crowned? Tell us more about that moment, and the highlights of the weekend?
I was quite literally shocked for words! Anyone who knows me knows that I am the chattiest, bubbliest person so for me to be shocked into silence was a small miracle! But on a serious note, I was truly overwhelmed! Becoming a YEMI Queen solidified my two years of hard work! I just can't believe I'd done it! My biggest highlights have to be getting up on that HUGE stage, the PJ party which gave me the privilege of getting to know all of the Class of 2019 and standing backstage as a sisterhood as we watched the outgoing Queen's finals speeches and walks!
Two years, which means you have had plenty of time to dream up your International outfits! Tell us more about your plans for your year?
I want to use my year to embody the YEMI motto of aspire to inspire and continue with the hard work and dedication that I've shown for the past two years! I'd like to hold another 'Crowns In a Box' Photoshoot (this time with a crown myself) and continue to raise money for the charity SANE, I'll also continue to take my story into sixth forms, girl guide groups and hopefully even some universities! In terms of internationals I've already been the keen Queen that I am and started to plan outfits and appearances! I'd like to continue to also keep my social media and press going!
You’ve talked about your story, can you tell us a little bit more about this and your platform?
My platform is Mental Health, Body Confidence and Disordered Eating. All three for me go hand in hand and part of this is using the 'Yes I Can!' initiative to overcome adversity and help people to realise that they can achieve whatever they set their mind to, no matter what others may say! As said previously, I used my two years as a contestant to raise money for the Charity SANE which is a mental health charity which is a UK based charity helping to improve the quality of life for those with Mental Health struggles.

It sounds so basic but just enjoy your year! Have fun with it, step outside of your comfort zone, challenge yourself to do something different and NEVER GIVE UP! If I gave up last year after not winning I wouldn't have the crown on my head now! Trust me, hard work and dedication doesn't go unnoticed. I would also say don't be afraid to ask and ask again, ask for feedback, advice, help... Literally anything. We're all a sisterhood so tap us up for advice.. I could talk for England so I would be more than happy to help anyone who asks for it!
Ms- Hannah
A huge well done to our very own presenter Hannah, keeping the Ms tradition alive with the Hannah name! Tell us a bit more about the lead up to the crown for you?

Yes we love a little plug in for our confidence sessions (next one is April’s queenies!). How did it feel being called as the winner, because when I first met you we were training you for C &G, fast forward a few years later and you’re back on that stage as a Ms!
If I am honest, I was in complete shock. I was shaking when my name was called. I am so happy and honoured to be a YEMI queen. There were so many amazing things about the weekend. Meeting everyone at the PJ party was great because, I had not met many people in my category before and they are all amazing women. The audience were also unbelievable and their cheering definitely helped me relax and just have fun.
Oh my goodness, I'm going to be super busy! I plan to do a lot of work with both my platforms including speaking at a wellness festival for children and young adults and possibly hosting a pageant girl DIY SOS event with the construction charity CRASH. I will be continuing to support other pageant events and being a presenter for Sparkles and Rhinestones. As well as further training and desperately coming up with outfit ideas for internationals.
You’ve talked about your platform, very interested in this SOS event! Could you tell us a bit more about the charity and your platform?
My Chosen Charity is CRASH. This is a construction based charity that builds homes for the homeless. I chose this as I work within the construction industry and it allows me to inspire my customers to not only donate money but more importantly their time. I have already done this with some and it is something I am very proud of.
My second Platform is encouraging a holistic approach to wellness. This has steamed from my own journey, where first had to look after my mental health and then my physical health improved. I am studying for a level 3 diploma in Nutrition and next year hope to start degree to become a registered nutritionist. I think it is important to highlight that when I talk about nutrition this is not about losing weight. It is about fuelling our bodies and minds in the right way, so that we can live long and happy lives.

Do you have any advice for new contestants for this crazy world of pageants?
Be yourself. In a world where there are many pressures on us to act and look a certain way, Pageantry is about showing the real you and being true to yourself. You will have fun this way and be an amazing role model to all around you. Don't ever give up on your dreams, there is a pageant system out there that suits each of us.
Mrs- Hannah

On the run up I worked on my training I had with Caroline Tooby and my interview which helped by having training with Hannah Golding. I ran a battersea dogs run and also a wolf run to raise awareness and funds for my chosen charity. I was also up and down the country supporting pageant queens at various finals and joining in campaigns!
And your moment finally came! How was the weekend for you?
I felt ecstatic being crowned a YEMI queen, I never expect to win and it was wonderful to be crowned by Georgia and share this experience with my best friend Hannah YEMI Ms.
I absolutely loved the PJ party, everyone just dived straight in and had fun and it was obvious how much effort had been put into this evening but of course I loved being apart of the finals. I didn't feel like I was in a competition as everyone was so helpful and supportive.
I've already dived straight into the title and judged face of europe and the world international pageant only 3 days after being crowned with much more in the pipeline, such as modelling in fashion shows. I have a lot of planning to do for the national wear and hope to obtain some sponsors to promote on the run up, practice for internationals and promote my title to the best of my ability.
Putting you to work straight away! Now through training, you told me about the most amazing charity work you do for your platform. Could you tell us a bit more?
My platform is childhood cancer and my charity is Abbie's army fighting for a cure for DIPG . I want to help get Abbie's army out there more and raise awareness. Through running my own pageant system, we have raised hundreds of thousands to help this cause and I am so happy to be working with them and encouraging other pageant girls to fundraise for this cause!
Finally, what advice could you give to someone looking to enter?
My advice would be to go for it and don't give up. You can do YEMI without having to put everything else you do in your life on hold. I have a family and 2 businesses which I run full time and it became apparent speaking with Jeyanne that I could work on competing in the pageant and not stress myself out. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and just enjoy it. I also didn't go mad on outfits and managed to reuse most from my wardrobe which is always a help.
Karen- Classic Ms
Welcome the first ever Classic Ms! Tell us what the lead up was like for you?
I decided to practice my Interview by doing a few essays on what would be asked, hoping this would build me more confidence. I also had the pageant bible of the Sparkles and Rhinestones handbook to help! I used my sash to attend local community events as well as hold my very own fashion show in aid of different charities close to my heart. I picked out outfits that I wanted to shine on stage, and I loved my evening gown so much! It was the perfect gown to be crowned in!
Amazing! So how did it feel to finally have that crown on your head, as you had placed runner up before at a different pageant?
Being crowned as Classic Ms was overwhelming to me & to be the first Classic Ms in the YEMI history makes it more honourable & memorable to me. I did not think this could ever happen to me as I have never seen a pageant girl be crowned with short hair. My favourite moment was walking out in my evening gown and meeting the other contestants at the PJ party.
You would be surprised how many queens are crowned with short hair! Now that the crown is here to stay, what do you have planned for your year?
My plans for the year are going to be very busy with my first meeting as a Trustee and not just a volunteer for The Saleem Foundation as we work very close to many charities, like the homeless. Also to raise awareness on Mental health, we are also organising a Big Charity in April but cannot disclose at the moment, let’s just say I need to get on the treadmill! I have become a Network Campaigner for Parkinson’s & Dementia and have a lot of meetings to attend. I will be organising my own Charity Event again with special guests for my chosen platform. I also want to inspire woman of my age to follow their dreams & to be an inspiration to them.
You talked a lot about your charity work, tell us about your platform?

Lastly, what advice would you give to classic ladies looking to compete?
For contestants in the Classic division I would like to Inspire them to try out Pageantry as this has made me a happier person,more confident and involved me in more charity work which I thoroughly enjoy. The pageant system is a great way of meeting new friends and shows others that you can still enjoy a different journey in your lives,whether it be a hobby or a new adventure in your life.
All photos taken by Ant Bradshaw of Style and Story International Photography. For more information on YEMI pageants, visit their website at www.yemipageants.com or find them on Facebook @yemipageants.
All photos taken by Ant Bradshaw of Style and Story International Photography. For more information on YEMI pageants, visit their website at www.yemipageants.com or find them on Facebook @yemipageants.
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