It's November, the nights are getting colder, fireworks are going off and next weekend will be the Third European finals for the Young European International Pageant. Winner of the Natural Sparkles "Best Upcoming Pageant" award, as well as nominated for Best Upcoming Pageant and Best Director in the Natural Beauty Pageant awards being held next year, the finals are being held on Remembrance Sunday in Dudley. Six lucky winners will be heading off to Texas to compete in the YAMI/YMI finals next June.
This year an impressive 4 International crowns came back to this side of the pond, with numerous side awards and all girls placing, so the finalists this year have big crowns to fill! Here at Sparkles and Rhinestones we spoke to a few of the contestants vying for the crowns this year!
Since I received my blue regional sash, in the lead up to YEMI, I have been making use of my title and travelled across the UK by attending and supporting other pageant systems and women to keeping it local and donating items to my local Scope charity shop. I have even held various fundraising events and taken part in my first Tough Mudder! In addition to attending events, I have taken part in a number of online campaigns and one I have given my time the most was the cycle/run/walk to Texas in which the reigning Young European International Ms - Hannah started. We were to clock up our miles to get us to Texas from Swindon and also raise awareness for the Laura Hyde Foundation for mental health.
What would you do if you won the YEMI Crown?
If I was to win the prestigious title of Young European International Mrs, I would continue to raise awareness of Dementia. Dementia is becoming more and more well known and more people need to be made aware of the signs and how you can help. I am a Dementia Friend and looking to become a Dementia Champion in order to give group chats about Dementia. For something personal to me, I would use my title to take this further than my hometown of Calne.
As YEMI lets you fundraise for your own charity, who did you fundraise for?
Natasha- Ms
What have you been doing on the lead up to the finals?
As a late entrant to the pageant I have concentrated my attention to contributing and supporting my local community. As a busy mum I also wanted to involve my daughters wherever possible as they are a huge part my journey and inspiration. We have taken part in a charity Bubble Rush 5k event to raise money for the Longfield Hospice Care which was an absolutely fantastic event and we will be back next year (with snorkles).
Through social media I came across a two online campaigns of which I am a now a supporter. The first was #millionsmissing which is run by the charity MEaction. It was created to target the media and draw attention to the millions of people "missing" from work, school, college etc due to the chronic condition Myalgic Encephalomyelitis which I also suffer from. I wear my #millionsmissing t-shirt with pride.
The second campaign is "flexin in my complexion". The campaign was started as result of bullying and is positive reinforcement that whatever colour skin you are in you should feel comfortable and celebrate being you and unique. As a woman who has experienced racism first hand this is a campaign I could not ignore.
What would you do if you won the YEMI Crown?
What would you do if you won the YEMI Crown?
If I was fortunate enough to be chosen to carry the coveted title if Young European International Ms I would be elated. With this crown I will broaden our perspective with regards to fundraising. As someone with limited mobility I have concentrated my efforts to 'low energy fundraising.'
Hundreds of retailers have signed up to a charity portal called Give as You Live. This portal allows it's users to pick a charity they wish to support, once chosen you can shop online on many of your favourite sites in the knowledge you are helping raise extra cash for something you believe in. It's free to sign up and doesn't cost you a penny!!!This needs to be common knowledge.
From personal experience I know the feeling of isolation of living with a hidden disability and this too needs to change. With my title I would like to implement a safe space so that like minded people can come together and feel welcome and appreciated. Be it online via an interactive web support group/activity or a physical gathering.
I aspire to make a positive change within my community and inspire people from all backgrounds to love and support one another.
My chosen charity is Action For M.E. I chose this charity as 4 years ago I was diagnosed with M.E. and this charity in particular helped me to learn so much about my condition and supported me through some very dark times.
Though they are a small charity they are mighty and have some fantastic ambitions for the future. They provide support, information, legal advice, fundraising and so much more and aim to bring about change in the way this condition is viewed in the media. I'm proud and honoured to be supporting a charity so close heart.
I have been compiling documentation from M.E. warriors and invisible disability survivors to see what changes could be made in effective healthcare both in hospital and out in our community to enable a safe and supported environment for everyone. My goal is to take this information to my local MP in hopes that he can take this forward to the House of Commons. I would like to see changes made in the way people with hidden disabilities are viewed in society and take a positive stance.
I have been compiling documentation from M.E. warriors and invisible disability survivors to see what changes could be made in effective healthcare both in hospital and out in our community to enable a safe and supported environment for everyone. My goal is to take this information to my local MP in hopes that he can take this forward to the House of Commons. I would like to see changes made in the way people with hidden disabilities are viewed in society and take a positive stance.
I'm not afraid to say that I am disabled and sometimes I need extra care and support; but tens of thousands of people across the country feel too ashamed or frightened to ask for help.......this needs to change.
What have you been doing on the lead up to the finals?
I have been working hard on my lead up to yemi attending lots of different events such as pageants, carnivals and fundraising parties. I have held my own charity pageant, supported many campaigns and I have gone out into the community helping various charities and schemes.
I have spread the word on my platform/ campaign Fearless females and held events in its support such as fear Breaking seminars, ladies self defence and Anti-Bullying seminar, where we ran a campaign getting many signing a Anti- Bullying Pledge.
What would you do if you won the YEMI Crown?
What would you do if you won the YEMI Crown?
If I was to win I would wear my sash and crown with honor and pride EVERYWHERE!! I would continue raising awareness with my platform and raising more to various charities that I am involved with, such as Epilepsy Action, Headway, and children of the community that needs the support in a time of need.
I would also like to support the directors by getting the YEMI name out there in the pageant industry. (Even more) and help with future plans them might have.
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Photo by Charlotte Clemie Photography |
I have been fundraising for Headway East kent a support group for brain damage survivors. I have also been raising money for ‘Achub Calon Y Dyffryn’ a charity getting defibrillators out in North Wales community that are easily accessible by the public, and proud that we have provided a defibrillator for the public outside my parents martial arts academy.
Anya- Teen
Anya- Teen
What have you been doing on the lead up to the finals?
On the lead up to yemi I have been working hard to raise money for various charities and I have been up and down the uk every weekend to do appearances. I have held many charity events for example, carnival competition and charity pageants. In the summer I went to my local carnivals nearly every weekend and held stalls there.I have also donated bottles of water and biscuits and chocolates to help the firemen when there were lots of fires due to the hot weather and dry grounds and donated animal food and biscuits to my local animal shelter because I hate to think that animals aren’t being looked after.
What would you do if you won the YEMI Crown?
If I am lucky enough to win the yemi title I would work even harder raise more money for my charities, I already have ideas in mind for charity events to hold if I win. Not a lot of people know about yemi around where I live so I would try to do as many appearances as I can to promote the system, I would take my Sash and crown with me wherever I go!
If I am lucky enough to win the yemi title I would work even harder raise more money for my charities, I already have ideas in mind for charity events to hold if I win. Not a lot of people know about yemi around where I live so I would try to do as many appearances as I can to promote the system, I would take my Sash and crown with me wherever I go!
I have various charities that I have been raising money for, Abbies army which is a childrens DIPG brain tumor research charity in memory of Abbie, Giddos gift which is a charity to improve the lives of teenagers and young adults suffering with cancer, air ambulance and my local school for children with disabilities, so far I have raised over £6000 for these charities!
What have you been doing on the lead up to the finals?
In the run up to YEMI I have been doing lots of fundraisers for my chosen charity with us PID UK. (Will elaborate in last question) I have been working so hard and the fundraising has been non stop! I organised an event at a boxing gym, I have modelled and fundraised at wedding shows, I am attending a charity pageant and I have been doing bake sales/ afternoon tea parties and I am attending a very special charity ball! I have also taken part in Hannah's road to Texas challenge it has been great to be a part of that! It kept me super fit and the dog loved how much I was taking him out 😂
I love being involved with my community and doing whatever I can to make an impact. I have been going to bed every night praying, hoping, wishing this might be my year! The hard work is almost done and I cannot wait to meet all of the girls and have the most fun weekend ever!
What would you do if you won the YEMI Crown?
I don't want it to end there for me. I want to be an ambassador for YEMI. I want to promote the pageant and make it one of the biggest most prestigious pageants in the country by encouraging girls to get involved, try something new, make friends and make an impact in their communities.
If I win my plan is to use the contacts I already have in Houston Texas and continue my fundraising over there working with families that are still so sadly affected by hurricane harvey. It is not reported in the media how much some families are still suffering. My dream is to be able to go out there and help the families I have heard about whilst representing the YEMI/YAMI system.

As YEMI lets you fundraise for your own charity, who did you fundraise for?
I have been fundraising for Primary Immune Deficiency UK this is a charity very close to my heart as after years of illness I was finally diagnosed with a rare immune condition that only effects 1 in 50,000 people. I quickly learnt that the treatment was absolutely fantastic however the NHS resources just didn't stretch to the little luxuries for example it was only a few years ago the clinic upgraded from plastic chairs to proper treatment chairs! Imagine having to sit for a 3 hour IV drip on a plastic school chair! It's not ideal and it made me so sad! I thought about the fact the condition is genetic and that it may effect children I have of my own someday and how it must effect children out there already. I really wanted to help! I love that YEMI has allowed me to fundraise for a charity so close to me and that I am so passionate about. This is yet another reason it is the perfect pageant for me
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Photo by Charlotte Clemie Photography |
What have you been doing on the lead up to the finals?
On the lead up to the finals, I have been attending as many events within my community as well as up and down the country. This has allowed me to meet so many people from different systems and allowed me to support such incredible women on their own journeys. As well as attending events, I have been raising awareness for different charities and campaigns this past year including Swindon Carers, Macmillan and breast cancer awareness.
What would you do if you won the YEMI Crown?
If I was lucky enough to win I would continue working hard with my fundraising and continue attending events. I would use my title to promote our motto of ‘aspire to inspire’ because I want to be able to help everyone realise there worth and inspire others that no matter what your past holds, there’s still the future. Being Young European International Miss would also give me a wider platform to continue raising awareness of my charity, Swindon Carers Centre, because I am currently doing my local community but want to reach out to as many Young careers as possible.
As YEMI lets you fundraise for your own charity, who did you fundraise for?
Since January I have been fundraising for Swindon Carers Centre, including holding my own fun day that raised over £150. Swindon Carers Centre is a charitable organisation, which is part of the Carers Trust Network, and they were established to provide help and support to the 21,000 carers in Swindon. When I moved to Swindon in 2004 I become one of those 21,000 carers however in 2004 there wasn’t even close to that many registered carers over the years that number has grown. Now that I am old enough and in a position to do so I have chosen to start given back to them, so they can continue their amazing work helping boys and girls who were just like me.
Mya- Teen
What have you been doing on the lead up to the finals?
In the lead up to YEMI my life has been a whirlwind of things; I've been sewing, geming, gluing, sparkling.. you name it! I'm a massive perfectionist so im not happy until everything is right. Aside from outfit prep; I've been out and about in the great big world, appearing on the radio, at charity events and suppoting my pageant sisters at different finals across the whole of England! I've also been working hard with my Photography company NINEinc. to help with the launch of a brand new campaign; The "Yes I Can Initiative".
What would you do if you won the YEMI Crown?
If I were to win 'Young European Teen International' I would use the title as a platform to give other girls someone to look up to in the pageant world. I am In love with the Pageant motto; Aspire to Inspire as it really represents what i intend to do as a Queen, I want to Inspire people. I want girls (and guys) of all ages to strap up their shoes and get the ball rolling for success, proving that they can do anything they set their mind to. As well as being an advocate to inspire, I will literally have that crown glued to my head, taking it anywhere I go, I want to see YEMI get bigger and better, so I will aim to do as many appearances as humanly possible, so that YEMI becomes a household name. I will also continue to be an Ambassador for the Yes I Can initiative, with Events and photoshoots in the future... but shh.. its all a secret😂
As YEMI lets you fundraise for your own charity, who did you fundraise for?
Through my time as a YEMI girl, I have been fundraising for a number of charities, from donating Clothes and goods at Oxfam, to collecting bottle tops for Polio disease. The charity I have raised the most for is MIND; Donating just over £100 last year, as well as nominating MIND as my house charity at College, meaning that we raised just over £2000 from September until Now, steming from a whole host of events like cake sales, sponsored silences and Interhouse competitions. MIND was also the charity of the month at my local fitness class BOOSTfit, where a portion of the class fee goes to the charity. All in all I believe that mental health is so important to be looked after and that all problems no mater how big or small they may seem; are important.

Ayla- Junior Miss
What have you been doing on the lead up to the finals?
I've joined a little late, which was the best surprise, and around the time my family adopted/re-homed our new dog Benji so it's been busy and not long after i walked in London Fashion Week which would have been a great appearance. I've gratefully had the warmest welcome! I'm so pleased to be part of the YEMI Family! I love making new friends and talking about things I believe in, I've been really excited! I recently made an appearance at The Beni Bear Clubs Spooky night. The Beni Bear Club is local SEN charity for children and family's of, personally affecting my own, I am a registered young carer. So I've also been doing my regular supporting chores at home.
I attended a charity pageant in which we made cash and non-perishable donations to the Thurrock food bank, food banks are such a great idea and my family has had difficult times in the past where we have needed support ourselves, so it's something I really want to continue to encourage. I have just over a week now until Pageant day! My sash has arrived and I'm challenging myself to a countdown of an impacting act of kindness a day!
What would you do if you won the YEMI Crown?
It would be so incredible if I could represent YEMI with the crown! I can't lose because at the least one of my sisters will be the queen and that's a joy! I've genuinely never walked away from a pageant upset and I like to bring up anyone who need comforting. If I did win, firstly I'd rock that crown for my YEMI family everywhere I could, definitely at London Fashion Week 2019, and of course at YAMI in Texas! Secondly, as I explain more below, I'd amp up my charity work, because I wanna make the biggest difference I can make leaving my mark as hardworking and difference making queen. Showing that being a junior doesn't mean junior in accomplishment! ❤
As YEMI lets you fundraise for your own charity, who did you fundraise for?
As a last minute addition to YEMI Juniors; I would like to show what I can really do. I hope to do a weekly food drop to my local food bank from my own pocket money because I worry about people going hungry even in our own society. I personally am a pescitarian, big animal lover and I currently am a member of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. I would try to adopt new habits and fundraising to support my local ecosystem and wildlife. I also will to do some big fundraising for my local hospital charity Brighter futures. They do loads of great events that are easy to join in on, but also I'd like to work on my own side project in hope to independently show my admiration for what they do, which is currently in the works, involving purposeful handcrafted gift items for sale.
Good health care is a core of a healthy society, I love that I live in a part of the world where we have such a system available to all citizens that works to save us all. These are just some charities I've contributed to and want to work with over the next year!
A massive thank you to all the girls who have given up their time to be interviewed, remember if you would like to get tickets to watch, message the YEMI page on Facebook for more details, which you can find by typing @yemipageants
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