Queen Saturday brings a queen that has been up and down the country since she was crowned in 2018 as Miss United Kingdom Rose Directors Choice. Rachel will now get the chance to compete for the first ever Miss European Rose finals this October. We talked about her pageant journey and what she has planned!
Welcome Rachel! Can you tell us what you have been doing with your title since being crowned?
Since handover, the 2018 queens get to compete in the European finals which I am very excited about! With my title I have been supporting local charity and fundraising including race nights, pamper evenings and coffee mornings. Along with travelling to supporting other queens and finalists with their events, fundraising, judging pageants or modelling. I feel honoured my titles has given me the opportunity to meet so many amazing people who are passionate about their causes.
It’s exciting being the queens in the first finals! What do you plan to do if you were to be the first European Rose queen?
If I'm lucky enough to win the European title I plan to promote my system as much as possible and continue to fundraise for my charities, I squeezed so much in my year as directors choice and I want to continue what I’ve been doing!
Exciting stuff, a massive good luck! Most pageant queens have a platform or a charity they support. Can you tell us a bit more about yours?

Everyone loves a tiara! Could you tell us how you got into pageantry?
When I was younger I used to watch pageants with my mum and told her "one day I'm going to do that". With it still being on my bucket list and me being an age I feel my most confident in myself, an opportunity came along so I decided to enter!Now I'm hooked. I love my pageant sisters, not just from my system but all other systems too. You know when you're with your pageant sisters you're going to have a good time.
Lastly, any advice you could give to newcomers looking to compete?
Just go for it. You'll never know if you don't try. Work hard but make sure you enjoy it. Learn from your favourite queen but don't copy. Be yourself as you never know who is learning from you, but the most important thing is to have fun!
great interview and an amazing example of a true queen xx