Today Sparkles and Rhinestones will be bringing you the queens of Crown and Glory, a pageant founded and run by Hannah Tordoff (Hunter), who is no stranger to pageants herself! Voted Best National Pageant at the Natural Beauty awards, the pageant has raised thousands and thousands for different charities and also sends a winner each year to internationals, this year it was the Natural Beauty International.
We spoke to a few of their queens to find out how their year has been since being crowned August last year, as well as their plans for the rest of the year!

Brianna- Little Miss Crown and Glory UK
Tell us all about your pageant journey with your new crown!
Before the pageant I worked really hard promoting my sash with lots of appearances and raising funds for charity. My favorite part of the final was when I was announced as the winner! I was so shocked! I had so much fun throughout the day with all the contestants!
What have you been up to since you won?
Since winning, I haven't stopped! From taking Easter eggs to stroke survivors to supporting my other queen sisters and promoting the system.
You have a platform that is very close to your heart, can you tell us more?
I support Stroke Association Wales, as both my grandparents have suffered with it. My granddad had a big one ten years ago and lost the feeling in his right side, as well as losing his speech. My grandmother also had a big one around 20 years ago, but she has since recovered. However she still has TLA, which is where the blood flow stops for a short period of time (Transient Ischemic Attack). It can mimic stroke symptoms so its always something to watch out for.
Glensie- Junior Crown and Glory UK
Hi Glensie, so you were a country winner before winning the UK title! Tell us all about the lead up to the crown?
Before I won the UK crown, my title was Junior Crown and Glory Wales. I represented my country and took home the UK title, my 5th pageant title. I am extremely grateful for this title, as it has led me onto so many new exciting experiences, promoting Crown and Glory everywhere I go! I had six months to prepare for the nationals and worked hard, but the hard work paid off!
Its worth the hard work! Tell us what the best part of the finals?
The best part of the finals was when I got to walk on stage in all three rounds, and own that stage! But of course, I can't forget the moment I was crowned!
What have you been up to since your win?
Since winning, my weekend's have been jam packed! From promoting Crown and Glory, to raising money for Abbie's Army. I have also made lots of appearances helping other charities and queens. I have raised over £3,000 for Abbie's Army, the most amount of money at the UK finals. Since winning, I have continued fundraising for this charity.

Such a huge amount! Do you have a platform that you are passionate about?
I support the Abandoned Animals Association. I attend a lot of their events, and also I help them raise money as they need the support. The Association are one of the fewest animal shelter who don't put their animals down when there is no room. They believe that every animal deserves a chance, and I am very lucky to be an ambassador for their charity as I will always support them! Animals are one of my passions therefore I will always help to my fullest and support them.
Finally, any advice for future pageant queens?
My advice is to enjoy your time being a finalist, making sure to keep positive and happy, as the finals are only around the corner!
Paris- Teen Crown and Glory UK
Can you tell us how you prepared for your winning title?
I prepared by attending so many different events, and carried out numerous fundraising events. I also continued to be me throughout the whole process and I believe that's why I was crowned with my title.
Very true, you have to stay true to yourself! What was the best part about the finals?
The best part was meeting all the other contestants and being part of such a great system. I loved evening wear and walking onto the stage, with all your friends and family cheering you on.
What have you been doing since your winning moment?
I have been extremely busy since winning, I've been talking to people and allowing them to understand my role. I've been continuing raising awareness on children's
cancers, and also attending many events since last August.
Speaking of raising awareness, what is your platform?
My platform is Children's Cancer, having first hand experience of this illness I watched my brother fight a really rare and aggressive one in 2012. I have raised awareness and money for many different charities who helped me and my family during a hard time. I have attended many events with the Les Hoey and the Dreammaker Foundation, Brightest Star, Clic Seargent and Macmillam nursers. I will continue to support such charities as they are close to my heart.
Lastly, any advice for new contestants?
Work hard, be a team player and always encourage and support everyone! I would also say don't change the person you are to achieve something you're not, just be yourself and it will shine through on the night.
Welcome Rachel! Tell us about your current title and the preparations towards it?
I first started competing in 2017, after being persuaded to compete by some good friends and my daughter, who had been doing carnivals for five years prior. I placed first runner up and caught the pageant bug like everyone does, so I took the plunge and entered my first Crown and Glory pageant and won the Woman Wales title. The start of an amazing journey.
During the run up to Nationals, I took great advantage of any local event, this could be for an appearance or to hold a stall to raise funds for the chosen charity Abbie's Army. As well as this I achieved things I never thought I would even try, like a static cycle equal to the distance around the coast of Anglesey, a sponsored run at the Holyhead Festival and doing a talk to a few hundred children at Ysgol Cybi about Children's Brain Cancer. I can definitely say that the lead up to nationals pushed me to achieve more than I ever thought I could!

What was your favourite part of the finals?
On the day itself I was a bag of nervous energy, but was excited to be with my new pageant family. It went past so fast! There are two moments that I enjoyed the most. The first was winning the Charity title. I have learned so much about the charity and the work they are trying to do, and I felt very happy top be able to support such a worthy cause, raising over £2,3000 during my time with Crown and Glory.
The Second best part was winning Best in Swimwear, as a plus size lady I thought I would never walk on stage in a swimming costume and heels, so I took the opportunity to make it a little different whilst keeping my confidence in check!
Plus size and still killing swimwear, we love it! Tell us what you have been up to since winning your National title?
It feels like here are not enough hours in the week sometimes! I'm a mum of two and a full time carer for my mum, but always manage to fit an appearance or two where I can. I have found that I really enjoy comparing at pageants and different events, most likely because I love to talk a lot!
I have been taking part in lots of online campaigns, pageant events, judging, raffles, working with our amazing photographer Ant Bradshaw at charity photo shoots and continuing to raise fund for our chosen charity. I have no plans to stop until the day I have to hand my crown over to the next lucky lady and hope to reach 100 appearances before then.
Speaking of Abbie's Army, do you have a platform or charity you support?
At the moment I don't have a solid platform of my own, as I have been focusing most of my time on our own charity Abbie's Army. However, I do like to support other pageant queens platforms and also local community projects such as the Red Box Project and the Community Conversation. I do have ideas for the future, but want to put things in place first before committing to anything, as I want to make sure it is
100 per cent right.

What was your favourite part of the finals?
On the day itself I was a bag of nervous energy, but was excited to be with my new pageant family. It went past so fast! There are two moments that I enjoyed the most. The first was winning the Charity title. I have learned so much about the charity and the work they are trying to do, and I felt very happy top be able to support such a worthy cause, raising over £2,3000 during my time with Crown and Glory.
The Second best part was winning Best in Swimwear, as a plus size lady I thought I would never walk on stage in a swimming costume and heels, so I took the opportunity to make it a little different whilst keeping my confidence in check!
Plus size and still killing swimwear, we love it! Tell us what you have been up to since winning your National title?
It feels like here are not enough hours in the week sometimes! I'm a mum of two and a full time carer for my mum, but always manage to fit an appearance or two where I can. I have found that I really enjoy comparing at pageants and different events, most likely because I love to talk a lot!
I have been taking part in lots of online campaigns, pageant events, judging, raffles, working with our amazing photographer Ant Bradshaw at charity photo shoots and continuing to raise fund for our chosen charity. I have no plans to stop until the day I have to hand my crown over to the next lucky lady and hope to reach 100 appearances before then.
Speaking of Abbie's Army, do you have a platform or charity you support?
At the moment I don't have a solid platform of my own, as I have been focusing most of my time on our own charity Abbie's Army. However, I do like to support other pageant queens platforms and also local community projects such as the Red Box Project and the Community Conversation. I do have ideas for the future, but want to put things in place first before committing to anything, as I want to make sure it is
100 per cent right.

Finally can you give any fellow contestants any winning advice?
As I am new to doing pageants myself, I'm still in the learning process, however the best bit of advice I could possibly give is to be yourself, let your personality show through your movements and dress choices. Don't be afraid to be different, preparation is very important! Keep ahead of yourself so you're not rushing at the last minute!
You can follow Rachel on facebook @womancrownandgloryuk
We've interviewed you a few times now Anouska, can you tell us your brand new title and a first for Crown and Glory!
Yes, I am very privileged to be the first ever Ms Crown and Glory UK! After directing for a year, I realized I desperately missed competing. I researched many different pageants and chose the best suitable one for me, which was Crown and Glory. After winning the Ireland title, I started to prepare for Nationals. I completed 70 appearances and raised £1255 for our chosen charity. I practiced for stage every week, even if by finals day I was so nervous! I also was lucky to be pampered by my beauty sponsors The Beauty Hut and Jo's Star Tanning.
What was the best part about the finals?
Finals flew so fast, the best part for me was finally meeting all of my sister queens! Being from Ireland, I had built up such a great relationship with them all online, nut it was surreal to actually hug everyone and hear their voices for the first time. It felt like a big family from the minute I stepped into the finals, so I knew that day was going to be amazing!
To my surprise, my favorite round was Swimwear! being the curviest I had ever been due to medical menopause and HRT, I was lacking self confidence, but as soon as I stepped out onto that stage, I owned it! It was like I was a different person! I don't know where she came from, but she has stayed with me and increased my confidence and body acceptance massively.
So glad that sassy queen has stayed! Tell us what you have been doing since being crowned the Ms queen?
Since winning I have not stopped! With three months left, I have made over 80 appearances in Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, England, Wales, France and Italy! I am determined to get to Scotland before the year is out, completing my visits to the UK, and see my Scottish sister queens! I have been so fortunate with all the support and opportunities that I've had. However. having several chronic illnesses, sometimes it takes it tole and I need a little breather, but then I'm right back in with my crown and sash again. Being a mummy will always be number one- and some times there is more weeks spent on "queen duties" than Uni, but overall being a mum is the best time. Bailey is my biggest fan and is always so proud of everything I do, from showing off every new newspaper or magazine clipping to all his friends in school, its the cutest thing!
Adorable! So glad you can juggle mum duties, uni and being a UK Queen! Can you tell us more about your platform?
My platform is Endometriosis, which is a debilitating chronic condition from which I suffer with. Endo has stolen so much of my twenties from me but the past few years have been amazing, fun and so memorable. Having support of the media here and mainland has helped me spread awarenss and help many young woman get diagnosed, have relief and support, and help get their quality of life back.
Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the womb, starts to grow in other places such as the ovaries and Fallopian tubes. There are a lot of other side affects and pain that goes with the condition. I have had 7 organs separated with surgeries, in medical rehab and medical menopause for the third time before I'm 30. It can affect women of any age! I was diagnosed at just
19, however the average diagnosis time is 8 years!
Finally, what is your advice to girls competing today?
Enjoy every single moment! Appreciate your pageant sisters and directors, and you will make friendships for life! Own the stage like it is your last time, and make eye contact with every single judge, a big smile helps! Work hard on the run up and show those judges why you should be a queen!
For more information about Endometriosis check out the following link:
Thank you to all the Crown and Glory queens for being interviewed, you can check out the pageant @ crownandgloryukpageants on Facebook.
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