It's Queen Saturday and also one week until the Crown and Glory finals where 6 new girls will be crowned and one lucky girl will be going onto internationals so we at Sparkles and Rhinestones decided to talk to the girls who are throwing in their crown into the hat! Crown and Glory was created by Hannah Hunter (now Hannah Tordoff- congrats!) back in 2012 as a charity pageant to help raise funds for the Hospice of the Good Shepard (raising 7,989.66) and has grown into an national and now international pageant. The pageant has raised over £76, 869.62 for "Dean's Journey" over two years and is now fundraising for Abbie's Army, already raising £15,455.80 so far, making the total charitable efforts for the pageant over the years at over 100,000!! How amazing is that! The pageant is now directed by current UK Winner Leonia! We asked the current finalists how their year had been, and what they were planning if they won those amazing golden crowns!
Rachel Chant- Woman Finalist
Since winning Woman Crown and Glory Wales in February my time has been non stop of new experiences, brain storming and discovering so much about myself and the things that I can do that I never thought possible. To the lady who take the Wales crown in 2019 my best advice is simply to enjoy each moment, each appearance, every bit of support you get with your fundraising and those moments when you realise just how far you have come will stay with you for a life time, so revel in it.
Leading up to the finals in August, well it's been a bit hectic at times trying to fit in as much as possible and come up with new fundraising ideas has not always been easy but so rewarding when you see the results come together. It's been a huge learning experience for me these past 9 months being a total novice and first time pageant queen but I wouldn't change a thing.
What would I do if I won?? What an exciting prospect that is with so many more things that I could do, especially when it comes to fundraising.

I already have ideas that I would love to work on both with and for Abbie's Army and as for the UK crown....well I couldn't see it coming off my head for the full year, I would take it everywhere I went and add to the 100s of pictures I already have with my Wales crown. When you have such a positive system and directors to work with the world is your oyster and I want to find the pearl.
Elliw Hall- Teen Finalist
My year so far, as Teen Crown and Glory Wales has been incredible, I've made so many new friends! Up to the lead of Crown and Glory UK I have hosted my own charity gig and done little photo competitions to raise money for Abbie's Army, I have mostly been supporting other charity events by volunteering and supporting my sister queenies by helping them at their events!
What would I do if I won? Cry for about, the whole crowning, I'd be in shock and the first thing I would do was thank everyone who helped me! I would put my all into showing what a young , independent 17 year old girl can do with a dream,. I would take my crown & sash (EVERYWHERE) The "impossible" comes true!!!
I love my Wales crown , I am so grateful for the opportunity I've been given and how this system and pageants have improved my life so much!
Courtney-Lee Collins- Miss Finalist
I am so excited to be a finalist for the title of Miss Crown & Glory UK, holding the title of Miss Crown and Glory England, at the end of August. I am a student of Law and keep myself busy with my own business, Boogie Bounce RM15, which is mini Trampoline fitness classes, write a weekly column for my local newspaper and have my own community radio show every Saturday night, but I always make time for my community and charity work and spending time with my little sister Kacey-Lee who is severely autistic... she’s my biggest inspiration. In the lead up to the Crown & Glory UK finals I have been out and about trying to raise as much awareness as I can for both the system and the amazing charity that we support, Abbie’s Army. I have attended fashion shows, pageants, run my own pageant and more and have enjoyed every second of it.
As well as appearances I have been trying my best to raise as much money as I can to support Abbie’s Army through fundraisers and events such as my charity race night that I ran earlier in the year. I love the lead up to finals as even though getting everything together for the day can be stressful at times, I really enjoy doing it and getting together outfits, shoes and accessories really gets me excited for the big day.
If I won the title of Miss Crown & Glory UK, it would be a dream come true. I really love the system and have found everyone in it to become like a second family. Although my sister queen’s and I are from all around the country, when we get together, for example when we attended our Queen’s photoshoot, it was like we have never been apart. If I was to be lucky enough to become Miss Crown & Glory UK, I would continue to promote both the system and Abbie’s Army by making public appearances and raising as much as I can for the charity, as although I have never been personally affected by DIPG Cancer in my life, something about Abbie’s story and the fact that the average life span after diagnosis is just 9 months really made me determined to try my best to do my part to help find a cure or at least some kind of a treatment for this horrific illness. I may not be able to change the world, but I can do my little bit and hope that it helps

Anouska Black- Woman Finalist
After taking the scary step back into competing in the pageant world I have been working non-stop to make the most of my title. Since winning Miss Crown & Glory Ireland I have been using my platform to raise awareness for Endometriosis - a chronic debilitating illness which I suffer with along with 1 in 10 women around the world - as well as raising awareness and funds for Abbies Army, Alzheimer's Society, Endo UK & Headway East Kent. Living with a chronic illness & having hospital appointments every week is tough, but I try and show that no matter what life throws at you you can succeed & not let it define you. I certainly do not look like a beauty queen, especially when Im ill, but having everyone's support on the build up to finals has really boosted my confidence & have made new friends from all over the UK.
In Northern Ireland the pageant community is so small so it has been amazing to be recognised and have the support of other pageant systems, girls, directors, as well as local & national press.
I have thoroughly enjoyed being invited to several events including to judge the Face of England, Face of Scotland, Miss Earth NI, as well as charity pageants during my reign & I am looking forward to judging again in Wales, Ireland & NI over the next few months... My title is bringing me across the UK & Ireland and I am loving every minute of it.
If I was lucky enough to win the title of Ms Crown & Glory UK I would continue to promote the system, continue to raise money for several charities and make as many appearances as possible at home and across the UK. I would use the UK title to show girls here in Ireland that pageantry is an amazing opportunity and with dedication and hard work you can achieve your dreams and hopefully bring the crown back to the emerald isle.
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