Queen Saturday: Exclusive and Extraordinary Plus Size UK

Queen Saturday and today we have a favorite here with us, the Current Exclusive and Extraordinary Plus Size UK Stacy Darlington . We talked to her all about her international journey and her pageant highlights! Take a read all about out beautiful plus size queen! 

Hello Stacy, Welcome to Sparkles and Rhinestones! Tell us all about your title and internationals!

I was Miss Classic Diamond 2018 and had an amazing time in Vegas with the Diamond family. When they introduced the Curve section, to go onto internationals, I was set to be the first UK queen to represent the UK, so was awarded the title of Ms Exclusive and Extraordinary Plus Size UK 2019, and went out to India to compete! As it was the first time a UK girl had been sent, we didn't know what to expect but   I had a lot of training with Caroline Tooby and making sure I have the right attitude and discipline to represent UK. I was very pleased I placed First Runner Up! 

That's such an amazing achievement, and a gorgeous crown! Tell us your plans for the rest of the year? 

I want to continue to promote body positivity and fund raise for as many charities as I can. I enjoy fundraising for Caudwell Children's Charity as they do so much for children with disabilities. I also fundraise for The Christie, as I have lost friends and family to cancer,as well as Bullies Out, due to experiencing it with my daughter and wat she went through. I have a lot of exciting plans coming up and events to attend, and want to make sure I can attend as many events as I can fit in my diary, whilst enjoying my family time.

Some amazing charities there! Can you tell us about your platform?

My platform is THIS IS ME, embracing who you are and loving your body. I believe everyone is unique in their own way and should embrace what makes you, you. Everyone believes you have to be tall, skinny, a certain height, no children, etc to enter pageants when the answer is NO! I am living proof you can achieve everything whilst staying true to yourself.

Preach! Out of everything at the internationals, what was your favorite part?

I love my National Wear, it was such an honor to wear my dress to represent the UK, the country I call my home. My national wear was designed by Caroline Tooby and Christina Baker,and was made by Donna Hanks. My Skirt was totally full of UK flags.I also wore a white top hat with red and blue feathers. Also my talent round, I haven't danced in 4 years because of knee problems, it took everything I had to push myself, even though I knew I would pay for it after. ,I also took the awards of Publicity choice and Media Choice.

What has been your pageant highlight so far?

I have so many moments but being nominated for my community work in two pageantry awards has been amazing! Getting to share this pageant journey with my daughter has also been amazing, and I am so proud of our achievements and how far we have come.

We love a good pageant duo! Lastly, can you give aspiring pageant girls advice on competing?

 To never give up, when life throws you lemons make lemonade. Its not how we fall but how gracefully we get up and continue.There is something out there for everyone. Believe in yourself and go after your dream, cause if you can inspire one person to do the same, just imagine if that person inspires someone too. 

Thank you Stacy and we wish you luck on the rest of your year as a queen! 
